The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 873: Robin A

Robin. You're awake!

Huh? Noire? Was I sleeping? ...Wait, where am I?

You're in the nursing tent.

You collapsed all of a sudden. The healers say you have thin blood or something.

Was it you who found and brought me here?

Yes. I haven't left your side since you arrived.

I've spent a lot of time in this tent, so I kind of know how things work.

Thank you for taking care of me.

Aw, you don't need to thank me. It was an honor.

I've been working hard lately- perhaps the exhaustion is catching up to me. Still, I'll have to find a solution. I don't have the luxury of being ill!

Oh gods, I'm SO sorry! This is all my fault! It's because of me that you worked yourself to the point of collapse!

Er, actually you didn't have anything to do with-

Yes, I did! Don't try to deny it! It's because I told you that you were like our mother, isn't it? You have to take care of yourself, Robin! You have to! Don't take all of our burdens on your own shoulder.


And if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, you can just come talk to me.

You really are a kind soul, Noire.

I feel better already knowing that you're around to look after me.

Hee hee! Me too!

It's strange to have a whole camp full of my very own grown-up children. But it's a wonderful feeling to have so many people that care for me.

We DO care for you! Especially me.